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Introduce NEW online ordering of Scholastic Book Club books to parents and teachers across the country. Raise awareness, manage teacher resistance to change, and drive parent online orders during the test phase – all while using only marketing and communications solutions that don’t require any capital expenditures.


Enticing busy, internet-savvy parents with the ease of ordering books online versus a small paper flyer from their child’s backpack was not the challenge. Scholastic’s problem was that parents couldn’t order online unless and until their child’s teacher gave them a code. Plus, teachers were happy with the current way they engaged with Scholastic and saw no need to change.


We started with primary research to more clearly define teacher attitudes and concerns. With online concept testing conducted on Communispace® we honed the messaging and built an integrated dual target communications campaign that introduced Scholastic Book Clubs Online to both teachers and parents. 

We used every Scholastic vehicle available – the flyer, the delivery box of books to the classroom, toss-ins, stickers, bookmarks, emails, and advertising in Scholastic media – each working to overcome objections, reinforce benefits, highlight teacher testimonials, and reward behavior. These vehicles lightened the teacher burden to communicate the online ordering option which resulted in a high conversion rate.


Branding, market research, identity, advertising, promotion, email marketing, integrated campaign.


Taking the time to understand the anxiety, ambivalence or fear about change can lead to communications that can overcome resistance, simplify the complex and change behavior.


Over 1 million parent orders were generated during the test phase of Scholastic Book Clubs Online.


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Kim Crisanti


LightForce Marketing Inc.


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